Ditch the labels and just be a conscious eater

I’m not sure why this is such a big deal, really, but I feel like people are continuously trying to put labels onto other people, beliefs, lifestyles, even dietary preferences before they can be placed in the correct folder in the brain. If you can’t put it into a category, then it can’t be understood. Or can it?

We shouldn’t be in a place where we must choose a “special dietary preference” and live by that. There’s a war between non-meat-eaters and meat-eaters, vegans and vegetarians, gluten-free folk and those that think it’s a hipster fad, whole food evangelists and “just be normal” people. Our bodies and needs change constantly and we need different things at different points in our lives and our health journeys.

I don’t believe in labelling yourself according to a category of dietary preferences, but rather in “conscious eating” and being in control of what you put into your own body. That is really what it boils down to – YOU’RE in control of how you fuel, protect and heal your own body through what you put into it. You don’t need to make excuses for your choices, justify them or label them. It is your body and your choice what you’d like to put into it.

So let’s ditch the labels and all just be conscious eaters!

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